Training in the ICT area is today extremely urgent and relevant, even more in the case of socially unprivilieged groups with low levels of schooling and years of experience in socially devalued jobs.

In the framework of lifelong trainings, it seems fundamental reflecting on the strategies for optimizing adult ICT learning, sharing experiences and good practices that can show the already mapped ways to achievement, as well as allow for new training solutions which can explore ICT potentialities as a training tool in the active adult population's social and professional contexts.

Within our project, we intend to obtain a set of training instruments supported by methodologies based on theoretical frameworks that can adjust to the different training needs of each of the partner institutions; as well as use LMS platforms, namely Moodle, both to support distance communication between partners involved and as supporting tool in operationalization of the training methodologies.

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
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